Who Do Bail Bond Agents Really Work For: A Look At An Industry In Transition
The bail bond industry is constantly changing, and today it's not just the fees that are different--the title of bail bond Pasadena Texas agent has also changed. For many years, the title of bail bond agent was tied to a physical location such as a jail or courthouse--nowadays, it's tied to being an agent of a company. Who in Society Benefits from Bail Bonds? Bail bonds agents work for a variety of interests. In the past, bail bonds agents were mostly hired by the courts to help detain defendants who could not post bail. Today, bail bonds agents are also employed by criminal organizations and other third-party interests in order to secure the release of individuals they deem as valuable. While some bail bond agents may still act primarily in the best interest of the court, most operate with a secondary agenda that benefits someone else. While it is difficult to determine who exactly benefits from bail bonds agent activity, there are some general insights that can be gleaned. ...